Actors: Carson, Sarah, Kelsey and me. We have not decided who is going to play who, but the characters in the film opener includes bank robbers, a sick mother, the main character, and bankers.
Costumes: The bank robbers will be wearing all black and ski masks. The bankers will be wearing business outfits. The sick mother will be wearing pajamas because she will be in bed.
Props: We will have fake money, a fake gun, and a money bag. We will also need to get a car and a bed for the flee scene and the sick mother scene.
Locations: We will be filming at a bank, someone’s house, and the airport. The bank is for the robbery scene. The house is for the scene with the sick mother, and the airport is for when the main character flees the country.
Dates and Times: We haven’t completely decided what days we are filming yet but we are most likely going to film on February 8th and February 9th. The bank robbery scene will be filmed around 5pm and the airport scene will be filmed around sunset or 6pm.
Scripts: As of right now we do not have scripts. We were planning on making it up as we go along and if someone messes up of comes up with a new idea, we can always refilm that scene.
Film Equipment: We are going to use my camera to film and Sarah’s computer to cut and edit the film to make it flow smoothly from on scene to the next.
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