Friday, April 10, 2020

Movie Opener Final Draft

As a group we decided that the thing that people were most confused about was the ending where our main character, Kelsey, changed identity to ensure she didn't get caught for the bank robbery. Due to COVID-19 we couldn't re-film any of our footage, so instead we decided to add a subtitle towards the end of the film that should clarify any confusion about the identity change. Overall, I am proud of our end product and I think the film opener in its entirety makes a lot more sense now. 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Peer Reviews

Summary: I think our group got a lot of really good feedback. Our classmates were really descriptive and didn't hold back, which is great because it gives us plenty of idea about what to work on. As for improvements, I think the two main things my group will do is change the music at the beginning and  clarify the ending when Kelsey changes her personality. These were the two major comments we got about improvements so I think this will make our opener run a lot smoother. We should add subtitles or a voiceover to the ending to clear up any confusion about the personality change. Overall, I think the comments were positive, yet helpful for our group to improve our film opener. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Editing Week 2

While we continued to edit, We had to do a few more transitions towards the end of the film openers to make sure it wasn't just a cut between each scene, we wanted to do this to add symbolism, as stated in the outline we had originally made for the opener. One example of this is seen in the picture above, we had to zoom in and then zoom out to show two different people, and therefore a change in the main character. To do this, we chose the transition, "Dip to Black", where it zooms in and zooms out on the separate clip to show the identification of our main character had changed, an essential part of our opener.

Editing Week 1

In the first week of editing, my group ran into a few issues. I think this was mostly because we needed to brush up our skills on Premier Pro. We tried adding in all of the clips but since some of them were taken in different backgrounds, they didn't quite flow together. While playing around with a few transitions, eventually we got to the point where everything flowed correctly. We still have to add in titles, effects and special audio, which is what we plan on tackling next week.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


In the second week of filming, we actually began filming starting at the school. We filmed a few bystanders for the bank robbery hiding behind bushes as well as a few clips at the airport. From previous travels I have a few clips in an airplane that we were planning on cutting to when the main character is fleeing the country. We still have a lot of work to do but I think this was a great start to our filming process!